About Us

The network of NEPAD Water Centres of Excellence (NEPAD Water CoE) is a network of Higher Education- and Research institutions who conduct high-end scientific research on water and related sectors, in order to provide policy guidelines to governments.

The specific goals are to:

  • Improve conservation and utilization of the continent’s water resources;
  • Improve the quality and the quantity of water available to rural and urban households;
  • Strengthen national and regional capacities for water resources management and reduce impacts of water related disasters; and
  • Enlarge the range of technologies for water supply and improve access to affordable quality water.

The objectives of the NEPAD Water initiative:

Research:The research work that is undertaken is focused on the creation and development of new knowledge and technology. 

Education and training:

Human resources must be, at least, developed through Masters and Doctoral degree programmes, post-doctoral support, internship programmes, support for students to study abroad and joint ventures in student training (between higher education institutions involved with the NEPAD Water CoE Consortium or otherwise).


The NEPAD Water CoE Consortium must actively collaborate with locally and internationally based individuals, groups and institutions that are reputable and knowledgeable in the Research Field.  Equally the NEPAD Water CoE Consortium must negotiate and help realise national, regional, continental and international partnerships.

Information brokerage:

The knowledge held by the NEPAD Water CoE Consortium of the Research Field should be made accessible by promoting knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer activities.  To this end, the NEPAD Water CoE Consortium must maintain contemporary knowledge in suitable data bases and offer to interpret it for the benefit of appropriate users.  

Service rendering:

The NEPAD Water CoE Consortium provides information, analysis, policy and other services, including informed and reliable advice, to government, business, and civil society.

The universities and research institutions that have already been awarded the status of Centre of Excellence in Water Research all have proven experience in the areas of training, scientific research, consultation and policy formation. It is expected that the network will be expanded to include other relevant institutions in the region.